Hey there... let me tell you a a little secret. This game is EASY to learn. You don't have to be Einstein to play it. What does this mean? Well, for starters, you don't really need to read this section of the manual. Read everything else though. In fact, READ everything else two or three times or you'll never know about the cheats located in this very manual.   This is what your game should look like. OBJECT The object is to shoot everything that moves and everything that doesn't. Just shoot like crazy! Then collect those little pods; they not only give you points, but they also powerup your shields!   A POD • Each pod gives you a random number of points. • Each pod adds one hit point back to your shield's strength.    SHIELD SHIELD BAR Shields will protect you. But be careful; the elimination of shields means that you are dead! Think of shields as giant electronic air bags. The shield bar will tell you how much shield power remains.     Small enemy fire. Large enemy fire. All you have to do is avoid these. Trying to collect these items is a bad idea! WEAPONS Weapons cost 10,000 points per level; therefore, to buy level 3 of a weapon will cost you 30,000 points, which in today's world of score inflation is pretty cheap. Weapons can be powered up to level nine, and that would cost 450,000 points (10K + 20K + 30K + 40K + 50K + 60K + 70K + 80K + 90K = 450,000 points) . To power all your weapons would cost about (450,000 x 3) = 1,350,000 points.   LASER This is your default gun; if you die, you start over and receive this gun at level one. The laser causes 1 hitpoint of damage per level; so, for example, level 9 does 9 points of damage.     MISSILES These missiles don't cause much damage, but when charged up they spread out and cover larger areas of the screen.     HEAT SEEKERS These are essentially tracking missles that lock on and track the closest enemy. They cause 5 points of damage each. Higher levels make them fire faster.       PHOTONS Photons cause 5 pts of damage, and the explosion that they create causes damage as long as it touches something. This is a good first gun to buy when you need a lot of fire power. Higher levels make them fire faster.    A Photon Shot An Explosion    STAR BURSTS These cause 5 pts of damage per star. The initial star explodes when it hits an object, thus sending out 10 other stars in several directions. Higher levels make them fire faster. EVERYTHING ELSE • You can hit the ESC key at any time to pause ( temporarily stop ) the game and bring up the Preferences Dialog. • Command - Q quits the game in progress and brings you back to the title screen.